Cabinet Avocat Magdalena Popeanga, avocat Bucuresti Romania AVOCAT DIVORT
Contact Avocat Magdalena Popeanga, contact avocat Bucuresti Romania

Divorce Lawyer
Divorce in Romania

Divorce in Romania

The Romanian divorce procedure is defined in the Romanian Family Code [Codul Familiei - Ro]

The Romanian divorce can be obtained only in front of the Romanian Courts, within a final and executory divorce decision. Couples formed by a Romanian citizen and a foreign citizen, married in Romania, can divorce in Romania, according to the Romanian laws.

It is known that going through a divorce is not an easy process, it can be one of the most emotionally painfull experiences the spuses can live. One of the lawyer's missions, among the legal support and guidance through the divorce process, is to ease the burden in many ways, by offering an expert solution, removing some of the stress regarding the situation.

Divorce Lawyer in Romania

With an important experience in representing clients from all over the world in front of the Romanian Courts, Magdalena Popeanga Law Office can provide profesional legal services for foreign citizens:
  • legal representation in divorce cases in Romania
  • legal consultancy regarding the Romanian Family Law and Romanian civil procedure
  • legal documents elaboration regarding the divorce process: divorce file, legal answers, conclusion, agreements
  • representation in front of Romanian authorithies for: obtaining official documents (Romanian civil status documents)
  • services related to Romanian documents: birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decisions.
  • translation, notarisation, apostilation, superlegalisation procedures

    If you are interested in any of these services, you can contact us at:

    How can you divorce in Romania - Divorce phases

    If you live outside Romania and you married a Romanian citizen in front of Romanian authorithies, you can divorce in Romania. The divorce phases can be sumarised as follows:
  • Establish a contact with your Romanian spuse and try to obtain an agreement regardind his/her cooperation regardigng the divorce. This step is essensial in simplifying the procedure, the cost and time.
  • Mandate a Romanian lawyer to represent you in front of Romanian Courts in the divorce process
  • Provide all the required available info and documents (id card, passport, Romanian marriage certificate)
  • The mandated lawyer filles the divorce file and represents you at every term of the process
  • Provide all the support, info, additional documents, required by the Court
  • Obtain the final divorce decision and register it in your country.

    If you are interested in any of these services, you can contact us at:

    Magdalena Popeanga Law Office - Our Experience Brings you an extra Confort and Safety.

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    Pentru programari si detalii ne puteti contacta:

    Telefon: (+4) 0722.811.665
    Web: Formular contact

    Sediu Cabinet avocat Magdalena Popeanga

    Bucuresti, sect. 3
    str. Daniel Barcianu, nr. 31, bl. A2, ap. 78
    Tel: (+4) 0722.811.665, Fax: (+4) 031.412.51.30
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    Venim in sprijinul dvs pentru un divort civilizat. Sfaturi:

    * Cautati sa obtineti acordul sotului/sotiei dvs cu privire la realizarea divortului
    * Evitati orice confruntare verbala cu sotul/sotia dvs pe intreaga durata a procesului
    * Porniti de la premisa ca pensia de intretinere ce se va stabili este un drept al copilului dvs

    Info util divort

    * Cererea de divort se depune la Judecatorie
    * Taxa de timbru pentru divort este cuprinsa intre 50 lei si 200 lei
    * Asistenta unui avocat nu este obligatorie dar este recomandabila

    Ultimele stiri - divort

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    28-Nov: Primarie pagubita de un divort


    Cabinet de Avocat MAGDALENA POPEANGA
    Baroul Bucuresti

    str. Daniel Barcianu, nr. 31, bl. A2, ap. 78
    Bucuresti, sect. 3
    Tel: (+4) 0722.811.665, Fax: (+4) 031.412.51.30

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